
Telephone our office on: +44 (0)1228 670542
– please leave a message on the ansaphone if we are not available to take your call and we will get back to you.
Send an e-mail to:
and we will respond promptly.
Telephone: +44 (0)7774 124 204
to speak directly to Margaret Francis on her mobile phone, whether she is in the office or out and about!
To set up a remote desktop session, please contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time for the support session.
At the arranged time click on this link
Open the ISL application on your computer and then telephone our office on +44 (0)1228 670542. We will give you a unique one-use session code to input on your computer when requested. You will also be requested to allow access to the remote user, ie. Cleverdata.
Cleverdata will then be able to operate your computer as though we were at your desktop. We can transfer files between our computers, and we can speak to you at the same time.
At the end of the support session, we will disconnect from your computer and then Cleverdata will no longer have any remote access to your computer until we set up another session.
(Cleverdata is charged a fee for this service by ISL Online)