You’ve just clicked ‘Support‘ … so are you looking for advice or an answer to an immediate query … if so please either
telephone 01228 670542 to speak to someone. If nobody is in the office please leave a message on our ansaphone and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
e-mail to including in your e-mail as much information as possible and screen dumps or attached reports if appropriate, we will then be able to work out more quickly what the problem is and provide a clear response to you by e-mail
If it would be easier to explain your query by showing us what’s on your computer screen, we can do this remotely, by dialing into your computer system (with your permission), then we will be able to see exactly what you can see on your screen and if necessary take control of your computer to demonstrate or make appropriate changes while explaining to you what we are doing all the time. If you like the idea of ‘Remote Desktop Support‘ you will need to download some free software to your computer first – please contact us for instructions.